2017-2018 PTSO Meeting Minutes


Lakeland Highlands Middle School PTSO
Date | time 3/6/2018 @ 6:19pm | Meeting called to order by Lourdes Pelaez-Echevarria

In Attendance

Lourdes Pelaez-Echevarria, Lissa Bontrager, Tracy Ducar, Debbie Burgess, and Aniela Estevez

Approval of Minutes

February minutes presented by Lissa Bontrager.  Motion to approve by Tracy, seconded by Debbie.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s report presented by Tracy Ducar, Treasurer.  The LHMS PTSO Checking account balance is $27,711.82   

Old Business/Open Issues

v  Dances/Parties/Events
Ø  7th grade Social Fri. 2/16 4:30-6:30pm: Everything went well, the kids loved it!
Ø  8th grade Farewell Fri. 5/4 6:30-8:30pm:  The theme “Final Fiesta” had been chosen, but after the 7th grade dance the 8th grade now also wants the “red carpet” treatment.  PTSO considering options for theme as well as food (chocolate fountain, popcorn bar, etc.) 
Ø  8th grade Awards Ceremony- Tuesday 5/22 at George Jenkins HS-  6th grade parents to pass out flyers, lemonade, and cookies.  Lissa and Esther volunteered to assist.
Ø  8th grade Clap Out- Last day of School, Thursday 5/24- LHMS provides shirts to students.

v  Teacher Appreciation Breakfast- Carol Clark/Marilyn Paul:  Thursday 5/10 let’s celebrate our LHMS staff during Teacher Appreciation Week!  The PTSO discussed a grab and go catered breakfast (chic fil a biscuits, juices, fruits, yogurts, etc) vs. a fun Popcorn Bar (grab a bag and make your own favorite popcorn blend) There will be a Luau theme.
v  Spring Fundraiser- Shannon Heink:  Great American Fundraising event scheduled.  A little off our planned schedule, Shannon to clarify.
v  SAC/DAC Updates- Recent meeting was last Tuesday, Lourdes was in attendance and provided info to group, including that Polk County is the 7th largest in Florida (30 in the USA) and 4th lowest funded!!

New Business

v  PBS Big Ticket Events 3/16 & 3/18- Students with cougar cash have opportunity to select fun items with positive reward cash received.
v  Next School Year:  Orientation 8/9, 1st day 8/13
v  3/14- Student Walk Out in support of Marjorie Douglas students.

Open Forum

The cafeteria overhang is scheduled to be complete by 3/16.

Next Meeting

Wednesday 4/4/2018 @ Red Elephant.
Meeting adjourned at 7:32pm

Respectfully submitted,
Lissa Bontrager


Lakeland Highlands Middle School PTSO
Date | time 2/5/2018 @ 6:10pm | Meeting called to order by Lourdes Pelaez-Echevarria

In Attendance

Lourdes Pelaez-Echevarria, Lissa Bontrager, Esther Ott, Tracy Ducar, Debbie Burgess, and Dyan Bechtol

Approval of Minutes

January minutes presented by Lissa Bontrager.  Motion to approve with corrections by Debbie, seconded by Tracy.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s report presented by Tracy Ducar, Treasurer.  The LHMS PTSO Checking account balance is $27,267.48.   Continued discussion regarding potential purchase of digital LHMS sign.  This has been the goal for some time and the reason our bank balance is so considerable.  Approximate cost of sign is $20K (from last year’s estimates) with 1 $5K donor we have ample funds.  LHMS PTSO in agreement to contribute $20K for sign purchase.

Old Business/Open Issues

v  Candy Grams- Debbie Burgess
Ø  Valentine Taki grams: Preparations underway, gram sales 2/7, 2/8, 2/9 before school and during lunch.  Volunteers needed. Lissa to create sign up’s for posting to FB, LHMS blog, and to any emails available.
v  Dances/Parties/Events
Ø  6th grade Social Fri. 1/19 4:30-6:30pm:  WOW!!!  This event was great! 263 students participated with approximately $1800 in ticket sales.  Largest 6th grade group ever.  Apparently the early time IS a good idea.  😉
Ø  7th grade Social Fri. 2/16 4:30-6:30pm: Theme chosen is “Hollywood Nights” a red carpet event, decorating and cafeteria prep will need to begin early with all hands available.  Posters are needed ASAP.  Ticket sales will be 2/14-2/16 before school and during lunch.  Volunteers needed.  Lissa will create sign up and post on Facebook.
Ø  8th grade Farewell Fri. 5/4 6:30-8:30pm:  The theme “Final Fiesta” has been chosen.  The PTSO agreed that creating a tradition of “Final Fiesta” would be something for students to look forward to, as well as minimize planning stress and costs. 
Ø  8th grade Awards Ceremony- Tuesday 5/22 at George Jenkins HS-  6th grade parents to pass out flyers, lemonade, and cookies.  Lissa and Esther volunteered to assist.
Ø  8th grade Clap Out- Last day of School, Thursday 5/24- LHMS provides shirts to students.

v  Spirit Nights- Chris Milliken:  TONIGHT at Red Elephant.  Signs out to help spread the word!
v  Teacher Appreciation/Christmas Dessert Bar- Tentative dates to celebrate our LHMS staff during Teacher Appreciation Week are 5/9 or 5/10.  Discussed a grab and go catered breakfast (chic fil a biscuits, juices, fruits, yogurts, etc) vs. a fun Popcorn Bar (grab a bag and make your own favorite popcorn blend)
v  Spring Fundraiser- Shannon Heink:  Great American Fundraising event scheduled to begin around March 1st thru March 16th with late orders accepted until March 23rd.  Products will be received before Mother’s Day.
v  Cougar Gear- Dyan Bechtol: Sales are DONE for this year!  Discussed how to help LHMS with presales for next years shirts.  Possibly sending pre-order flyers out to 5th grade families, as well as returning students and having pick up separate for those who have prepaid.  Possibly also putting the pre order for with tshirt photos on our blog and facebook page.

v  PTSO Blog/Website:  <lhmsptso.blogspot.com> is up and running although still a work in progress.  😊

New Business

v  Office Help needed 2/6, 2/22, and 2/23.  Lissa to create sign up and post to Facebook
v  8th grade open house at GH Tuesday 2/6 at 6pm- FYI
v  St. Patty’s Day Grams/ Easter Grams? -  The PTSO decided not to “over do” the gram sales.  😊
v  Electronic Sign-  As above, the PTSO is ready to contribute $20K, awaiting schools green light.

Open Forum

v  When will the outside cafeteria eating area be completed?  > This has been in the works for some time and delays we are told are due to lack of supplies but expect work to begin soon.

Next Meeting

Tuesday 3/6/2018 @ Red Elephant.
Meeting adjourned at 7:31pm

Respectfully submitted,
Lissa Bontrager


Lakeland Highlands Middle School PTSO
Date | time 1/10/2018 @ 6:10pm | Meeting called to order by Lourdes Pelaez-Echevarria

In Attendance

Lourdes Pelaez-Echevarria, Lissa Bontrager, Esther Ott, Tracy Ducar, Debbie Burgess, Aniela Estevez, Nick Vosburg, and Chris Milliken

Approval of Minutes

December minutes presented by Lissa Bontrager.  Motion to approve with corrections by Esther, seconded by Nick.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s report presented by Tracy Ducar, Treasurer.  The LHMS PTSO Checking account balance is $26551.20.  This includes monies for Teacher stipends totaling approximately $4000.  Discussed potential purchase of digital LHMS sign.  This has been the goal for some time and the reason our bank balance is so considerable.  Approximate cost of sign is $20K (from last years estimates) with 1 $5K donor we have ample funds.  Lourdes to touch base with administration for official green light.

Old Business/Open Issues

v  Candy Grams- Debbie Burgess
Ø  Candy Cane Gram:  228 sold.  Plans underway for Valentine grams! 
v  Dances/Parties/Events
Ø  6th grade Social Fri. 1/19 4:30-6:30pm:  Volunteers will be needed especially with added time challenge related to the 4:30p start time.  Cafeteria set up beginning at 2:30pm.  Need as many volunteers as possible.  Several posters still needed to advertise.  Ticket sales- Lissa will create sign up.  Lourdes will print tickets by Wednesday, Lissa will cut.   DJ/food/candy bar all in place.
Ø  7th grade Social Fri. 2/16 4:30-6:30pm:  As above, decorating and cafeteria prep will need to begin early with all hands available.  Ticket sales will be 2/14-2/16 before school and during lunch.  Volunteers needed.  Lissa will create sign up to post on Facebook.
Ø  8th grade Farewell Fri. 5/4 6:30-8:30pm: 
Ø  8th grade Awards Ceremony- Tuesday 5/22 at George Jenkins HS-  Will need 6th grade parents to pass out flyers, lemonade, and cookies.  Lissa and Esther volunteered to assist.
Ø  8th grade Clap Out- Last day of School, Thursday 5/24
v  Spirit Nights- Chris Milliken:  Panera earned PTSO $45.64.  Our next spirit night is 1/18 at Beef’s.  Chris will clarify if Jet’s is a school or PTSO sponsored event.  Also discussed other options like a Mongolian Grill “guest griller” event, or a Red Elephant night.
v  Teacher Appreciation/Christmas Dessert Bar- Everything looked beautiful and there were lots of desserts provided.  Looking forward will plan for a breakfast during Teacher Appreciation week.  Catered vs. Parent provided TBD.
v  PTSO Blog/Website:  <lhmsptso.blogspot.com> is up and running although still a work in progress.  😊

New Business

v  Spring Fundraiser- Shannon Heink:  Great American Fundraising will be our next event running 3/1-3/16 with plans for delivery by Mother’s Day.
v  Cougar Gear- Already time to begin pre-orders for next year.  Consider including a form to send with the 5th grade welcome information, putting photos of shirts on website, etc.
v  LHMS Tutoring-  Remains available if needed.

Open Forum

v  When will the outside cafeteria eating area be completed?  > This has been in the works for some time and delays we are told are due to lack of supplies.
v  What is going on at the basketball court? > The basketball court is being partially covered.  Work is in progress and scheduled to be completed by spring break.
v  Nick shares he has overheard many students say what a great time they had at the 8th grade dance.
v  Debbie asks if we have the previous digital sign quotes.  April shares she will inquire with administration where those are and what is the delay.  It was previously felt we had selected one (as they are all SB approved vendors and funds were available) Also it is noted that there is the potential for LHMS to pay $10K and PTOS pay $10K

Next Meeting

Wednesday 2/5/2018 @ Red Elephant.
Meeting adjourned at 7:31pm

Respectfully submitted,
Lissa Bontrager


Lakeland Highlands Middle School PTSO
Date | time 12/6/2017 @ 6:08pm | Meeting called to order by Lourdes Pelaez-Echevarria, President

In Attendance

Lourdes Pelaez-Echevarria, Lissa Bontrager, Esther Ott, Danielle Davis, Tracy Ducar, Debbie Burgess, Aniela Estevez, Nick Vosburg, Shannon Heink, and Ajia Paolillo

Approval of Minutes

November minutes presented by Lissa Bontrager.  Motion to approve by Esther, seconded by Tracy.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s report presented by Tracy Ducar, Treasurer.  The LHMS PTSO Checking account balance is $25,933.47.   The Yankee Candle fundraiser profit to LHMS is   $4441.53.  We have also received monies from Beef’s totaling $110.  Tracy also shared that sales of Cougar Gear has been successful with $979 received from hoodies sold.  That final bill is still owed to the screen printer.

Old Business/Open Issues

v  Candy Grams- Debbie Burgess
Ø  Candy Cane Gram Sales:  Scheduled for 12/13-12/15, volunteers needed.  Tentative plan to deliver 12/18 & 12/19.  The grams are printed, Debbie and Aniela will meet to assemble on 12/16.
v  Dances/Parties/Events
Ø  Poinsettia Ball (8th grade) Fri. 12/8 6-8pm:  Need additional volunteers to assist with ticket sales during lunch.  (11:30-1:30p) Decorations are ordered.  PTO donated 10 tickets to administration to provide to selected students who may not otherwise have the opportunity to attend.  PTSO will continue to publicize our “Drink Drive” to assist with offsetting the expense of drinks for the ball.
Ø  6th grade Social Fri. 1/19 4:30-6:30pm:  Volunteers will be needed.  The PTSO closet has lots of decorations that would be appropriate for a “Winter Wonderland” theme.  It was decided to use what we have to reduce expense.  Additionally, the food/drink items for the event are in place.  Will also hold a drink drive for this event.
Ø  7th grade Social Fri. 2/16 4:30-6:30pm:  Additional details as the date draws nearer, however a “Valentine’s” theme was discussed as items of this nature will be in abundance. 
Ø  8th grade Farewell Fri. 5/4 6:30-8:30pm:  As above, additional details as the date draws nearer.
Ø  8th grade Awards Ceremony- Tuesday 5/22 at George Jenkins HS: As above, TBD.
Ø  8th grade Clap Out- Last day of School, Thursday 5/24
v  Teacher Requests-  The PTSO received a note of thanks for the PE department for our donation of new walkie talkies.  It is noted that this is the 1st thanks ever received. 
v  Spirit Nights- Chris Milliken: Panera Bread tonight.  More dates coming.
v  Teacher Appreciation/Christmas Dessert Bar- Carol Clark & Marilyn Paul:  12/20 Parents/Volunteers will bake or purchase dessert items for holiday staff appreciation. Items donated should be dropped by the school by 10am.

New Business

v  Teacher Requests
Ø  The CVTV department is requesting $415 for a professional news set.  Motion to approve by Debbie, seconded by Esther.  The Chess Club has a request for $119.96 for the purchase of 4 new tournament sets @ $29 each.  Motion to approve by Shannon, seconded by Debbie.
v  Chorus/Drama/Musical Theater- Mr. King is in need of volunteers for several upcoming events. 
Ø  Chorus 11/30: Several Volunteers are needed to chaperone back stage while groups transition on stage.
Ø  Musical Theater 12/15, 5 and 7pm:  Several volunteers are needed to assist with ticket sales as well as to sell snacks during intermission.
v  Spring Fundraiser- Shannon Heink: Shannon presented information from Great American Fundraising, a company that offers a variety of items for sell with both online and in person sales options.  Our profit margin is 40%.  We will plan for a 2 week sale beginning March 1st ending March 16th with order placed by the 23rd.
v  Candy Grams for Valentine’s Day- Debbie:  Ideas discussed for candy grams, it was decided to go with Takis chips.  A fun printable will be attached.  Each will sell for $1.
v  SAC update:  Parents and Staff meet for a first meeting.  All are encouraged to attend.  A good place to be more aware of what and how things come to be at LHMS (financial, activities, changes, etc).  There is also an opportunity to participate at the district level (DAC), that first meeting is in January 8th at Ridge Community. 

Open Forum

v  It is asked how tutoring is going at LHMS.  Mr. Vosburg confirms tutoring is going well, participation by Teacher’s has improved due to added Title 1 funding.
v  Debbie reports the PTSO closet has years of accumulated items and would like to reorganize and discard as appropriate.  Every was in support of this! 
v  It was suggested that perhaps next year we consider moving the date of the 6th grade social to earlier in the year to help in the transition to middle school.
v  Concerns were expressed regarding the lack of traffic help before and after school (to increase safety of students (as cars are NOT slowing down) in addition to improving flow of traffic as car riders attempt to get on and off campus.  Lourdes shares that our SRO is not employed by LHMS and tasks like these are unfortunately not her responsibility. 
v  Lissa shared a blog site with the group for consideration as the link we attach to the LHMS website.  This blog is free and can be easily updated by us.  This will save the PTSO money and our network manager time.  All were in agreement.

Next Meeting

Wednesday 1/8/2018 @ Red Elephant.
Meeting adjourned at 8:02pm

Respectfully submitted,
Lissa Bontrager


Lakeland Highlands Middle School PTSO
Date | time 11/7/2017 @ 6:05pm | Meeting called to order by Lourdes Pelaez-Echevarria

In Attendance

Lourdes Pelaez-Echevarria, Lissa Bontrager, Esther Ott, Danielle Davis, Tracy Ducar, Debbie Burgess, Aniela Estevez, and Chris Milliken

Approval of Minutes

October minutes presented by Lissa Bontrager.  Motion to approve by Esther, seconded by Debbie.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s report presented by Tracy Ducar, Treasurer.  The LHMS PTSO Checking account balance is $29,954.60.  This includes monies received for payment to Yankee Candle.  The Yankee Candle fundraiser profit to LHMS is approximately $4300.  Tracy also shared that sales of Cougar Gear has totaled $2436 with one last sale deadline remaining.

Old Business/Open Issues

v  Candy Grams- Debbie Burgess
Ø  Boo Grams:  447 grams sold for a profit of $402
Ø  Candy Cane Gram 6-8pm Sales:  Scheduled for 12/13-12/15, volunteers needed.  Tentative plan to deliver 12/18 & 12/19.  Debbie will inquire with administration to determine if grams can be delivered directly to the classrooms via PTSO to avoid any delays in students receiving them as well as to not burden staff with an added “chore” during this busy time of year.
v  Dances/Parties/Events
Ø  Poinsettia Ball (8th grade) Fri. 12/8 6-8pm:  Ticket sales scheduled for 12/6-12/8, Lourdes confirms the DJ has been booked and will make plans for the pizza and dessert orders.  Volunteers needed.  Debbie shared posters would be needed advertising ticket sales, NJHS will earn needed volunteer hours with this task.
Ø  6th grade Social Fri. 1/19 4:30-6:30pm:  Volunteers will be needed especially with added time challenge related to the 4:30p start time.  Attempts to have these times changed were unsuccessful, however administration is granting an out of uniform pass to any student with a dance ticket.
Ø  7th grade Social Fri. 2/16 4:30-6:30pm:  As above, additional details as the date draws nearer.
Ø  8th grade Farewell Fri. 5/4 6:30-8:30pm: 
Ø  8th grade Awards Ceremony- Tuesday 5/22 at George Jenkins HS-  Will need 6th grade parents to pass out flyers, lemonade, and cookies.  Lissa and Esther volunteered to assist.
Ø  8th grade Clap Out- Last day of School, Thursday 5/24
v  Title One Parent Nights- Dates TBA: 2 dates will be scheduled.  There will be a guest speaker and food! 😊
v  Spirit Nights- Chris Milliken:  PTSO discussed additional spirit night venues such as Olive Garden, PDQ, Red Elephant, Chic fil A, and Mellow Mushroom.  Administration is ok with 1 per week but it was discussed that this may create “burnout” if the opportunities are so frequent.
Ø  Jet’s Pizza scheduled for 11/21-  will work to improve communications via group page as well as marquis when available. 
Ø  Panera Bread- Application is submitted with a tentative date of 12/6
v  Teacher Appreciation/Christmas Dessert Bar- Carol Clark & Marilyn Paul:  Date TBD, Parents/Volunteers will bake or purchase dessert items for holiday staff appreciation.

New Business

v  Book Fair- 11/29-12/6:  Volunteers needed.  Lissa will reach out to Ms. Jones to assist with volunteer recruitment.
v  Teacher Requests
Ø  The PE Department is in need of new walkie talkies.  Motion to grant request made by Lissa, seconded by Esther.
v  Cougar Cash/Positive Behavior Support (PBS)- Scheduled for 1/5
v  Chorus/Drama/Musical Theater- Mr. King is in need of volunteers for several upcoming events.  Lissa will reach out to assist with volunteer recruitment.
Ø  Chorus 11/30: Several Volunteers are needed to chaperone back stage while groups transition on stage.
Ø  Musical Theater 12/15, 5 and 7pm:  Several volunteers are needed to assist with ticket sales as well as to sell snacks during intermission.
v  Spring Fundraiser- Shannon Heink:  More info to follow as date draws nearer

Open Forum

v  Lourdes shares LHMS has a new female school resource officer.
v  Should we consider changing the LHMS 411 group privacy setting to public, as well as if administration will allow for an “unofficial” LHMS FB page?  This may be the easiest tool to reach the most families as well as very cost effective.  Lourdes to speak with Mrs. Kendrick regarding request.
v  When will the outside cafeteria area be completed? - Lourdes shared that apparently the delay was due to lack of supplies but tentatively scheduled for completion during Thanksgiving Break.
v  It is noted that the PTSO link on the LHMS page is inactive-  Tracy to confirm if renewal payment has been made.  Discussed other, more user friendly, options for improving communication.  Lissa to reach out to the Network Manager to work on updating page.

Next Meeting

Wednesday 12/6/2017 @ Red Elephant.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15pm

Respectfully submitted,
Lissa Bontrager